ECTS-database Plantijn Hogeschool

1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - HRM

O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
Afstudeerrichting: -:-
Code: AL001
Academiejaar: 2007-2008
Type: kern
Niveau: uitdiepend
Programmajaar: 1
Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:1
Aantal studiepunten: 4
Wegingscoëfficient: 4
Totaal aantal contacturen: 23
Totaal studietijd: 104
Deeltijds programma:
Examencontract: mogelijk
Deliberatie: mogelijk
Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
Onderwijstaal: Engels
Lector(en): Verstraete Ludo



Should we do away with HR?

I must agree that there is good reason for HR's beleaguered situation. It is often ineffective, incompetent and costly.

But the truth is, HR has never been more necessary! The competitive forces that managers and organisations face today and will continue to confront in the future, demand organisational and human excellence.

 Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

Algemene competenties

    Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
      Beroepsspecifieke competenties


        The student  is aware of the  importance of a solid HRM policy to improve the performance of staffmembers as well as the functioning of the organization.

        • The student knows how and is able to manage, to organize, to lead, members of an organization from different positions : staffmember,,sectionmanager and HR- manager.
        • The student has insight in in the main subdivisions of personnelmanagement and their coherence.
        • The student  can develop a critical view concerning points of views, theories and models in HRM.

        Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

        Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

        Andere begincompetenties
        • General insight in the functioning of an organization and the  primary expectations of people in their functioning as staffmembers. 
        • The student can independently process information to solv complex problems.
        • He/she has the cognitive skills to make conclusions out of apparent not related information.
        • He/she works together with others to share information
        • The student has sufficient communicative and interpersonal skills.
        • The student has a good knowledge of English.

        • History of personnelmanagement and evolution to actual HRM :- First generation organization:productivity; Second generation organization: market;- Tthird generation organization : Bits.
        • Additional value of HRM.
        • Personnelconcept and - planning.
        • Competencemanagement :What is competencemanagement? A few definitions/ Why competencemanagement?/What's its additional value?/measuring competence/Developing competence/ Rewarding of competence.
        • Changemanagement : Man as pivotal point the change proces/change processes in groups and organizations.
        • Additional topics (such as): Recruitement Selection; Reception and introduction. / Coaching and Functioning talks. / Situational leadership. / Dealing with employers' organizations and trade unions.

        • The students receive a course book and basis information during the lessons and discussions. They take personal notes. They work in group and have to search additional documentation and information. 

        Soort werkvorm uren  


        hoor- en werkcolleges:




        practicum en oefeningen:




        vormen van groepsleren:




        studietijd buiten contacturen:




        Verdere toelichting:
          • They work in goup on a theme, prepaere a paper and presentation it for their collegues .
          • Students participation is of overriding importance, they have to be present.



        Eerste examenperiode
        Half of the points on the presentation and the paper; 10 points on the oral examination based on the course book and the additional discussion.

        tijd voor examinering


        Tweede examenperiode

        Written exam



        1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - Marketing en sales

        O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
        Afstudeerrichting: -:-
        Code: AL002
        Academiejaar: 2007-2008
        Type: kern
        Niveau: inleidend
        Programmajaar: 1
        Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:1
        Aantal studiepunten: 4
        Wegingscoëfficient: 4
        Totaal aantal contacturen: 31
        Totaal studietijd: 104
        Deeltijds programma:
        Examencontract: mogelijk
        Deliberatie: mogelijk
        Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
        Onderwijstaal: Engels
        Lector(en): Verhaegen Inge


        This course will be an introduction to marketing. With global examples and completely up-to-date with the latest marketing techniques. We take a look at the major decisions that marketing managers face in their efforts to balance an organisation's objectives and resources against needs and opportunities in the global marketplace.

        Times are changing...the enlargement of the EU and "the war on terror", huge demographic changes , electronic interconnectedness all this will increasely change the mind of marketers when making key marketing decisions. Let us take a look..

         Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

        Algemene competenties

          Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
            Beroepsspecifieke competenties

              1. The student can define marketing and discuss its core concepts.
              2. The student can describe the principles of socially responsible marketing.
              3. The student can describe the marketing management process.
              4. The student can describe the environmental forces that affect the company's ability to serve its customers.
              5. The student can construct a simple model of buying behaviour.
              6. The student can list and define the steps in the business buying decision process.
              7. The student can describe the four steps in the marketing research process.
              8. The student can define market segmentation and targeting.
              9. The student can define differentiation and market positioning.
              10.The student can define customer value and discuss its importance in creating and measuring customer satisfaction and company profitability.
              11. The student can define the term product .
              12. The student can describe the stages of the product life cycle.
              13. The student can compare and evaluate the general approaches to price setting.
              14. The student can explain how priceing decisions are influenced by the product mix.
              15. The student can name and define the four tools of the promotion mix.
              16. The student can explain why companies use marketing channels and discuss the functions these channels perform.

              Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

              Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

              Andere begincompetenties
              Knowledge of English
              • Marketing and the marketing process.
              • The marketing setting.
              • Core strategy.
              • Product.
              • Price .
              • Promotion.
              • Place.

              P. Kotler ea, Principles of Marketing, Third European Edition, Prentice Hall .

              Soort werkvorm uren  


              hoor- en werkcolleges:




              practicum en oefeningen:




              vormen van groepsleren:




              studietijd buiten contacturen:




              Verdere toelichting:
              To teach, cases.


              Eerste examenperiode
              • Written exam 20/20: open questions and case 

              tijd voor examinering


              Tweede examenperiode
              • Written exam 20/20 : open questions and case



              1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - In. trade organ. en contracts

              O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
              Afstudeerrichting: -:-
              Code: AL003
              Academiejaar: 2007-2008
              Type: kern
              Niveau: gespecialiseerd
              Programmajaar: 1
              Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:1
              Aantal studiepunten: 3
              Wegingscoëfficient: 3
              Totaal aantal contacturen: 22
              Totaal studietijd: 78
              Deeltijds programma:
              Examencontract: mogelijk
              Deliberatie: mogelijk
              Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
              Onderwijstaal: Engels
              Lector(en): Waumans Peter



              This course is intended to provide a reliable and equitable standard legal platform for the global export - import trade.

              Practise has shown that companies and businesses involved in international trade mainly use commercial agency and distributorship contracts to distribute their products or services abroad.

              However, students should bear in mind fundamental differences in purpose and substance between these contracts when deciding which one to choose.

               Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

              Algemene competenties

                Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                  Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                    • Have at one's disposal acquaintance to draw up international contracts.3
                    • Thorough knowledge about international checklists and scripts.

                     1. The student have state one' views about the redaction of international contracts issued by the ICC , Paris.

                    Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

                    Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                    Andere begincompetenties
                    • Basic knowledge about English.
                    • Have the essential skills for writing reports according to the complex international trade situations.
                    • Be competent to analyse and summurize texts.
                    • Commercial law and civil law.

                    • The ICC Model International Sale Contract.
                    • The ICC International Commercial Agency.
                    • The ICC International Distributorship.
                    • General conditions and specific conditions.
                    • Incoterms 2000.
                    • Battle of forms.
                    • Treaty of Vienna .
                    • The implementation of a business agreement.
                    • Contracts related on product liability according european legislation.

                    • The ICC Model International Sale Contract, ICC,publication N°556, ISBN 92-842-1210-3w .
                    • The ICC Short Form Model Contracts, ICC, publication N°634, ISBN 92-842-1299-5w .
                    • Documentation via blackboard.

                    Soort werkvorm uren  


                    hoor- en werkcolleges:




                    practicum en oefeningen:




                    vormen van groepsleren:




                    studietijd buiten contacturen:




                    Verdere toelichting:
                    • Hearings with conversation skills   about 21 hours.
                    • Cases and discussion about 21 hours.
                    • Lector provides the student wth three kind of questions; knowledge, insight and cases. The student finds the answer, write it down and deliver this paper to the lector on the last hearing in the last week of module 9 on Friday 11.00 am. Rendez - vous well be mentioned during the hearings itself. 


                    Eerste examenperiode
                    Written exam : two questions each on 5 points: 10 points. Written paper about aboved mentioned answer 10 points: total 20 points.

                    tijd voor examinering


                    Tweede examenperiode
                    Written exam: four questions each on 5 points: total 20 points.



                    1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - ICT: web-appl. en e-commerce

                    O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                    Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                    Code: AL004
                    Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                    Type: kernondersteunend
                    Niveau: gespecialiseerd
                    Programmajaar: 1
                    Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:1
                    Aantal studiepunten: 3
                    Wegingscoëfficient: 3
                    Totaal aantal contacturen: 18
                    Totaal studietijd: 78
                    Deeltijds programma:
                    Examencontract: mogelijk
                    Deliberatie: mogelijk
                    Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                    Onderwijstaal: Engels
                    Lector(en): Verhaegen Inge


                    KORTE OMSCHRIJVING
                     E-commerce is the general term for a buying and selling process that is supported bij electronic means. In this course we are going to build an e-commerce site with Frontpage en discuss the transaction model in a paper.

                     Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                    Algemene competenties

                      Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                        Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                          SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN
                          1. The student is able to develop an e-commerce page in Frontpage (group work with x people) Writing a paper in which the composition of the website and the transaction model are discussed (script of the paper to be found on BB) Discussing the various steps of the transaction procedure on the InternetBeing able to generate traffic to a siteDiscuss how visitors can be convinced to purchase through e-commerce
                          2. The student can discuss the way to put into practice the sale by means of the Internet .
                          3. The student can discuss criteria that stimulate the repeating of visits.
                          4. The student means of home-study acquiring knowledge of the programme Frontpage
                          5. The student can use the programme Frontpage to build up a website .
                          6. The student can work in groups (of 3 students) carrying out assignments (building a website, writing a paper and bringing forward a presentation)

                          VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                          Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

                          Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                          Andere begincompetenties

                          Knowledge of MS office products

                          Knowlegde of English

                          • E-commerce & E-business .
                          • Click & Mortar.
                          • Critical elements of success.
                          • E-consumer and their privacy (legal component) .
                          • E-distribution .
                          • Frontpage (home study).

                          • Course with recent articles about web applications and e-commerce.
                          • Course Frontpage:

                          Soort werkvorm uren  


                          hoor- en werkcolleges:




                          practicum en oefeningen:




                          vormen van groepsleren:




                          studietijd buiten contacturen:




                          Verdere toelichting:
                          Open discussion between lector and students to gather information, home study  (Frontpage), working in groups.


                          Eerste examenperiode

                          Website - 5 points

                          Paper - 10 points (peerassessment)

                          In the course of week 8 (week of exams) students will defend and discuss paper and website orally - 5 points

                          tijd voor examinering


                          Tweede examenperiode


                          • Website - 5 marks
                          • Paper - 10 marks
                          • Peerevaluation
                          • Defending orally - 5 marks



                          1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - Commercial communication I

                          O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                          Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                          Code: AL005
                          Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                          Type: kern
                          Niveau: gespecialiseerd
                          Programmajaar: 1
                          Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:1
                          Aantal studiepunten: 3
                          Wegingscoëfficient: 3
                          Totaal aantal contacturen: 25
                          Totaal studietijd: 78
                          Deeltijds programma:
                          Examencontract: mogelijk
                          Deliberatie: mogelijk
                          Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                          Onderwijstaal: Engels
                          Lector(en): Rowley Robin


                          KORTE OMSCHRIJVING
                          The course aims to develop some essential basic, practical business communications skills, in the English language.

                           Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                          Algemene competenties

                            Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                              Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                                SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN

                                1. The student can make spoken en written presentation skills include: rhetorical format, use of visual aids, debate & questioning, running short seminars, writing basic reports.
                                2. The student can work in teams, communicate & understand role analysis, inter & intra-group dynamics and active listening.
                                3. The student understand the language & techniques of recruitment & selection.
                                4. The student can negotiate effective in English.

                                VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                                Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn
                                Basic written & spoken English.

                                Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                                Andere begincompetenties

                                • Various English presentation, comprehension and practical simulations.
                                • Professional & informal styles of communications.
                                • Basic commercial jargon and activities, in a modern international context.

                                Handouts, exercises, newspapers & video feedback.

                                Soort werkvorm uren  


                                hoor- en werkcolleges:




                                practicum en oefeningen:




                                vormen van groepsleren:




                                studietijd buiten contacturen:




                                Verdere toelichting:
                                Lecture, groupwork & individual presentation.


                                Eerste examenperiode
                                • Written Assignment 50 % - Topic: "Describe the details of your own job/career seeking strategy".  (In perfect English 1000 word minimum report, plus include your own professional CV in English).
                                • Class Contribution 20 % - Comprises: Attendance, spoken English, level of comprehension, behaviour & initiative, support for others in class.
                                • 30 % - Continuous monitoring of conversation with the tutor, to test: spoken ability, level of commercial understanding and general creative ability to handle management questions.

                                tijd voor examinering


                                Tweede examenperiode
                                Written Assignment 70 % + Viva 30 %.



                                1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - Entrepreneurship

                                O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                                Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                                Code: AL006
                                Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                                Type: kern
                                Niveau: uitdiepend
                                Programmajaar: 1
                                Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:2
                                Aantal studiepunten: 3
                                Wegingscoëfficient: 3
                                Totaal aantal contacturen: 31
                                Totaal studietijd: 78
                                Deeltijds programma:
                                Examencontract: mogelijk
                                Deliberatie: mogelijk
                                Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                                Onderwijstaal: Engels
                                Lector(en): Rowley Robin


                                KORTE OMSCHRIJVING
                                The course aims to create the motivation and skills needed for thinking and acting in an entrepreneurial way.

                                COMPETENTIEGERICHTE LEERDOELEN
                                 Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                                Algemene competenties

                                  Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                                    Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                                      SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN
                                      • The History of Business, Exchange and Value Creation.
                                      • Doing Practical Business and International Trade in English.
                                      • Entrepreneurial Psychology & Motivation.
                                      • Change, Creative Problem Solving Techniques and Innovation.

                                      1. The student can make a Practical Team Business Project, Report & Presentation
                                      2. The student understand the General Ability to Conduct Business in English.
                                      3. The student have a Customer and Opportunity Focus.

                                      VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                                      Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn
                                      Good Business English.

                                      Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                                      Andere begincompetenties

                                      • Lectures, Presentations & Business Management Skills Simulations, Case Studies & Exercises.
                                      • Demonstrate a Professional Level of Business Competence in a Multi- Cultural Context.

                                      Handouts, Exercises, Research Assignments, Newspapers, Video, Case Studie.

                                      Soort werkvorm uren  


                                      hoor- en werkcolleges:




                                      practicum en oefeningen:




                                      vormen van groepsleren:




                                      studietijd buiten contacturen:




                                      Verdere toelichting:
                                      • Lectures, Groupwork & Group and Individual Presentations.


                                      Eerste examenperiode
                                      • Individual Written Assignment - 50% "Create and Develop a New Idea for a Business. Write a Detailed Business Plan and Present / Sell Your Idea to a Critical Audience"? (3000 word min. Formal Report Style) .
                                      • Creative Group Business Assignment 30% (Title: "How To Make Money ?") - Written Report & Team Presentation.
                                      • Individual Class Contribution 20% - Comprises: Attendance, Behaviour, Effort, Support for Others in Class.

                                      tijd voor examinering


                                      Tweede examenperiode
                                      Individual Written Assignment 80% + Viva 20%.



                                      1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - European institutions en law

                                      O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                                      Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                                      Code: AL007
                                      Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                                      Type: kern
                                      Niveau: inleidend
                                      Programmajaar: 1
                                      Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:2
                                      Aantal studiepunten: 3
                                      Wegingscoëfficient: 3
                                      Totaal aantal contacturen: 30
                                      Totaal studietijd: 78
                                      Deeltijds programma:
                                      Examencontract: mogelijk
                                      Deliberatie: mogelijk
                                      Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                                      Onderwijstaal: Engels
                                      Lector(en): Roels Bart


                                      KORTE OMSCHRIJVING

                                      This course gives an overview of the history, actors, sources of law and policy fields of the European Union. Shortly also other international organisations will be treated.


                                      COMPETENTIEGERICHTE LEERDOELEN
                                       Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                                      Algemene competenties

                                        Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                                          Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                                            SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN
                                            • To possess insight in the constitutional law of the European Union
                                            • To master strategies to find information about the European Union
                                            • To possess the ability to situate European political themes in their context
                                            • To have good knowledge of history, actors and sources of European law.
                                            • To have elementary knowledge of the policy fields of European politics
                                            • To have elementary knowledge of other international organisations.

                                            VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                                            Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn


                                            Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                                            Andere begincompetenties
                                            Basic knowledge of own national law and of the english language.
                                            • History of the European Union
                                            • Actors of the EU and theur competences (European Parliament, Council of the EU, European Commission, European Court of Justice, Court of auditors, ...)
                                            • Sources of law of the European Union (Community law and non-community law)
                                            • Policy fields of Community law (Common/internal market, Economic and monetary policy, other policy field, esp. social policy)
                                            • Other international organisations (Council of Europe, European Free Trade Union Association, United Nations, ...)


                                            Soort werkvorm uren  


                                            hoor- en werkcolleges:




                                            practicum en oefeningen:




                                            vormen van groepsleren:




                                            studietijd buiten contacturen:




                                            Verdere toelichting:
                                            • Lectures and guestlectures with discussions
                                            • Assignments: solve multiple choice questions, comment on a judgment of the European Court of Justice, discovery of EU-website (
                                            • Coaching: the lecturer gives feedback during the course and through Blackboard.
                                            • Organised study visit: European Institution in Brussels, Europe Direct Information relay in Antwerp,...


                                            Eerste examenperiode

                                            Written exam: multiple choice questions (10 points) and general questions (10 points). The Companion to the European Union and EU-publications can be used if there is nothing written in them, although underlining and marking is allowed (and recommended).


                                            tijd voor examinering


                                            Tweede examenperiode

                                            The student should write an original individual paper of at least five pages about a subject that has been treated during the course.



                                            1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - European social security

                                            O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                                            Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                                            Code: AL008
                                            Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                                            Type: kern
                                            Niveau: uitdiepend
                                            Programmajaar: 1
                                            Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:2
                                            Aantal studiepunten: 4
                                            Wegingscoëfficient: 4
                                            Totaal aantal contacturen: 29
                                            Totaal studietijd: 104
                                            Deeltijds programma:
                                            Examencontract: mogelijk
                                            Deliberatie: mogelijk
                                            Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                                            Onderwijstaal: Engels
                                            Lector(en): Roels Bart


                                            KORTE OMSCHRIJVING
                                            In the European Union social security belongs to the competence of the Member States. This means that there are now 27 different social security systems. The task of the European Union is mainly to coordinate these systems in the light of the free movement of persons (hard law). Moreover the EU tries to reach common objectives for social protection and social inclusion with the open method of coordination (OMC) (soft law).

                                            COMPETENTIEGERICHTE LEERDOELEN
                                             Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                                            Algemene competenties

                                              Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                                                Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                                                  SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN
                                                  • This course stimulates the inquisitivity and the independance of the students via the research they do into the systems of the EU member states, partly together with foreign students.
                                                  • The persistance and problemsolving attitude of the students is stimulated in their search for relevant information and the sharing thereof with their fellow students by the internet (Blackboard).
                                                  • The student is able to understand the various social security systems of the EU through an extensive search of the legal sources.
                                                  • The student has developped a critical knowledge of the different social security systems and the social law in the EU.
                                                  • The student is aware of the fact that there does not (not yet) exist any kind of harmonisation of the social law between the member states.

                                                  VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                                                  Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

                                                  Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                                                  Andere begincompetenties
                                                  Basic knowledge of the own national labour law and social security law.
                                                  • The organisation of the social security in the EU member states.
                                                  • The history, philosophy and socio-economical context of the different systems.
                                                  • The assessment of the various tendencies in social security.
                                                  • The role of the European Union in the coordination and harmonisation of the different systems.


                                                  Recommended Study Material

                                                  • Pieters Danny, Introduction ino the Basic Priciples of Social Security, Kluwer, ISBN 90-6544-787-3
                                                  • Pieters Danny, The Social Security Systems of the Member States of the European Union, Intersentia, ISBN 90-5095-242-9.
                                                  • Pieters Danny, The Social Security Systems of the Member States Applying for Membership of the European Union, Intersentia, ISBN 90-5095298-4
                                                  • Documentation of the European Union (e.g. MISSOC):


                                                  Soort werkvorm uren  


                                                  hoor- en werkcolleges:




                                                  practicum en oefeningen:




                                                  vormen van groepsleren:




                                                  studietijd buiten contacturen:




                                                  Verdere toelichting:
                                                  • Lectures and/or guest lectures with debates. The discussion with and among students is stimulated.
                                                  • Practicum: independant research on a specific topic which results in a presentation with other student(s).
                                                  • Coaching and feedback by the lecturer.


                                                  Eerste examenperiode
                                                  • Continuous assessment (6 points). The students are assessed during the lectures and the debates as well as during the presentations of their fellow students upon their ability towards a critical attitude. They have to deliver a report about two questions they have put. 
                                                  • Paper and Presentation (14 points). The students are assessed on the content and processing of the research materials, their presentation skills and the answering of questions after the presentation.

                                                  tijd voor examinering


                                                  Tweede examenperiode

                                                  The student has do the research more deeply again and to deliver an improved text. He will only get points for the paper (20 points).



                                                  1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - Commercial communication II

                                                  O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                                                  Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                                                  Code: AL009
                                                  Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                                                  Type: kern
                                                  Niveau: gespecialiseerd
                                                  Programmajaar: 1
                                                  Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:2
                                                  Aantal studiepunten: 3
                                                  Wegingscoëfficient: 3
                                                  Totaal aantal contacturen: 25
                                                  Totaal studietijd: 78
                                                  Deeltijds programma:
                                                  Examencontract: mogelijk
                                                  Deliberatie: mogelijk
                                                  Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                                                  Onderwijstaal: Engels
                                                  Lector(en): Rowley Robin


                                                  KORTE OMSCHRIJVING
                                                  The course aims to develop some essential advanced, practical business communications skills, in the English language

                                                  COMPETENTIEGERICHTE LEERDOELEN
                                                   Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                                                  Algemene competenties

                                                    Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                                                      Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                                                        SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN
                                                        • Perform Commercial Communications in Business English.
                                                        • Comprehension of Some Key Topics & Jargon.
                                                        • Ability to Think in English.


                                                        1. The student understand international Business in Spoken & Written English.
                                                        2. The student understand the Psychology of Perception, Attention & Attitudes in Communication.
                                                        3. The student make Social Network Communications & Analysis.
                                                        4. The student can make a Professional Report & Business Letter Writing.

                                                        VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                                                        Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn
                                                        • Successful Completion of Module 1.
                                                        • Good Grounding in Business English.

                                                        Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

                                                        Andere begincompetenties

                                                        • Various Business English: Presentation, Comprehension & Practical Communications Skills Simulations, Case Studies & Exercises.
                                                        • Demonstrate a Professional Level of Fluency & Understanding in An International Business Context.

                                                        Handouts, Exercises, Research Assignments, Newspapers, Case Studies & Video Feedback.

                                                        Soort werkvorm uren  


                                                        hoor- en werkcolleges:




                                                        practicum en oefeningen:




                                                        vormen van groepsleren:




                                                        studietijd buiten contacturen:




                                                        Verdere toelichting:
                                                        Lecture, Groupwork, Research, Team & Individual Presentation.


                                                        Eerste examenperiode
                                                        • Written Examination 40% .
                                                        • Homework Assignment 30%- Topic: "How are Business Communications Changing in the Global Economy ?" (Formal Report, min. 3000 words).
                                                        • Class Contribution 30% - Comprises: Attendance, Speech Quality & Comprehension, Behaviour & Effort, Support for Others in Class.

                                                        tijd voor examinering


                                                        Tweede examenperiode
                                                        Written Assignment 50% + Examination 50%.



                                                        1 Alsem - 1AL - Onderdelen - Introduction Spanish

                                                        O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
                                                        Afstudeerrichting: -:-
                                                        Code: AL010
                                                        Academiejaar: 2007-2008
                                                        Type: keuze
                                                        Niveau: inleidend
                                                        Programmajaar: 1
                                                        Periode binnen het modeltraject: M:2
                                                        Aantal studiepunten: 3
                                                        Wegingscoëfficient: 3
                                                        Totaal aantal contacturen: 31
                                                        Totaal studietijd: 78
                                                        Deeltijds programma:
                                                        Examencontract: mogelijk
                                                        Deliberatie: mogelijk
                                                        Vrijstelling of overdracht: mogelijk
                                                        Onderwijstaal: Spaans
                                                        Lector(en): Paenhuysen Kathleen


                                                        KORTE OMSCHRIJVING
                                                        This is a Spanish Course for beginners. You will learn pronunciation and basic Spanish conversation. You will immediately use Spanish in a business context. You will learn key words and the most common phrases needed for basic communication in specific situations with Spanish-speaking employees, co-workers, and customers.

                                                        COMPETENTIEGERICHTE LEERDOELEN
                                                         Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

                                                        Algemene competenties

                                                          Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
                                                            Beroepsspecifieke competenties

                                                              SPECIFIEKE DOELSTELLINGEN
                                                              - The student can understand and use everyday expressions and basic phrases aimed at the satisfaction of needs of a concrete type.
                                                              - The student can introduce him/herself and others and can ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows ans things he/she has.
                                                              - The student can interact in a simpel way provided the oter person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help.
                                                              - The student can read and understand a short structured text.

                                                              VEREISTE BEGINCOMPETENTIES
                                                              Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn
                                                              Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn
                                                              Andere begincompetenties
                                                              • greating / introduce yourself to others/ say where you are from, your profession / ask the meaning of a word
                                                              • ask how someone feels, tell how you feel / say where you are/ phone conversation / ask for someone/ say goodbye / write an email
                                                              • introduce someone formally / ask where something is and answer/ means of transport
                                                              • describe a city/ ask what's in a city and answer/ ask what the distance is and answer
                                                              • say which languages you speak/ agree and disagree
                                                              • ask for someone's name, adress and phonenumber/ spell/ accept or refuse
                                                              • ask for prices/ ask for information / give reasons/ describe something
                                                              • express joy, surprise, sadness/ speak of the facilities of a hotel / order drinks and tapas
                                                              • indicate time/ meet with someone/ give information
                                                              • have a conversation at the reception of a hotel/ express possibility and permission/ indicate property/ plan activities


                                                              • nouns/ articles/ numbers/ question words/ verbs ser and estar / adjectives/ personal pronouns/ prepositions of place, direction and time/ impersonal se / regular verbs/ possessive determiners/ negative sentence / quantifiers muy-mucho / verbs o, -ue/ prepositions por/ para / hay and estar/  saber

                                                              • necessary:  textbook and workbook  Español profesional 1, Spaans voor bedrijf en beroep, Intertaal 2006, Amsterdam
                                                              • recommended: dictionary SP-ENGL, ENGL-SP

                                                              Use of the coursematerial:
                                                              We use the textbook as a support of the learning activities during the lessons. The workbook is a self-study instrument. You find the solution key in the workbook. The CD is usefull for pronounciation and listening comprehension. You find a transcription of the listening exercices, a grammar summary and an alphabetical vocabularylist in the textbook.

                                                              Soort werkvorm uren  


                                                              hoor- en werkcolleges:




                                                              practicum en oefeningen:




                                                              vormen van groepsleren:



                                                              studietijd buiten contacturen:



                                                              Verdere toelichting:
                                                              • During the lessons you practice new vocabulary and grammar rules in realistic situations. We focus on new vocabulary and study grammar rules in order to communicate.
                                                              • Excercices aime to improve oral and written communication. An active participation in class is expected, grammar excercices and roleplays form part of the lessons. This course is an intensive training in learning conversational Spanish and you need to prepare tasks for each lesson.
                                                              • Need more practice? You can ask for more (online) excercices if necesary.


                                                              Eerste examenperiode
                                                              written exam (16pt): open and closed questions, translation (Engl-Sp, Sp-Engl), multiple choice questions

                                                              oral exam (4pt): 10 minutes with 10 minutes preparation time, evaluation criteria are pronounciation, fluency and correct use of vocabulary and grammar

                                                              tijd voor examinering


                                                              Tweede examenperiode
                                                              written exam (16pt): open and closed questions, translation (Engl-Sp, Sp-Engl), multiple choice questions

                                                              oral exam (4pt): 10 minutes with 10 minutes preparation time, evaluation criteria are pronounciation, fluency and correct use of vocabulary and grammar



                                                                 Het departement Bedrijfsmanagement van de Plantijn Hogeschool organiseert samen met de Hogeschool Antwerpen een opleiding ALSEM (Applied Law Studies and Studies in European Management). De opleiding is gericht op buitenlandse studenten die in hun thuisland een opleiding Business Management, Office Management of Business Administration volgen. Alle cursussen worden in het Engels gegeven.