ECTS-database Plantijn Hogeschool

4 Internationale Communicatie - 4BIC - Onderdelen - English language media-current affairs

O.O. heeft componenten: Neen
Afstudeerrichting: -:-
Code: 00245
Academiejaar: 2007-2008
Type: kern
Niveau: gespecialiseerd
Programmajaar: 4
Periode binnen het modeltraject: S:1
Aantal studiepunten: 4
Wegingscoëfficient: 2
Totaal aantal contacturen: 62
Totaal studietijd: 104
Deeltijds programma:
Examencontract: niet mogelijk
Deliberatie: mogelijk
Vrijstelling of overdracht: niet mogelijk
Onderwijstaal: Engels
Lector(en): Weuts Annelies



The student brings his command of the English language to perfection via workshops.

In these workshops the students work creatively on self-chosen subjects and articles. The emphasis is on oral performance. 


 Dit opleidingsonderdeel draagt in het bijzonder bij tot het realiseren van volgende opleidingsdoelen (eindtermen)

Algemene competenties

    Algemene beroepsgerichte competenties
      Beroepsspecifieke competenties
      • CV307 De student beheerst communicatietechnieken op een gevorderd niveau in het Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Duits of Spaans.

      1. The student has a fluent command of English, both oral and written
      2. The student can appealingly present a self-chosen subject and gently direct a subsequent discussion
      3. The student brushes up on and expands his technical vocabulary with respect to advertising, merchandising and modern journalism
      4. The student can assimilate information from English sources

      Opleidingsonderdelen waarvoor voorafgaand credits dienen behaald te zijn

      Bachelor's degree


      Opleidingsonderdelen die vooraf dienen gevolgd te zijn

      Andere begincompetenties
      Command of English: upper-intermediate / advanced
      • The student organizes a workshop on a self-chosen subject.The workshop consists of a presentation and a discussion or role play.
      • The student prepares one or more articles from British or American magazines or newspapers. He presents the article(s) to the rest of the group and a discussion may follow.
      • Towards the end of the semester the student works creatively on an intercultural subject. This workshop is in collaboration with the "Intercultural Communication" course and will be evaluated by both the English teacher (command of English) and the teachers who teach "International Communication" (content).
      • The student receives a sheaf of articles on the language of advertising and merchandising (part 1) and on modern journalism (part 2). He studies these articles on his own (vocabulary + main ideas).
      • The student is to write a letter of application + CV in preparation of his traineeship (if he does his traineeship in English).

      • Information on letters of application + CV.
      • Information on application interviews.
      • Sheaf of articles on the language of advertising and merchandising (part 1) and on modern journalism (part 2)

      Soort werkvorm uren  


      hoor- en werkcolleges:




      practicum en oefeningen:




      vormen van groepsleren:




      studietijd buiten contacturen:




      Verdere toelichting:
      • Seminars.
      • Discussion groups.
      • Workshops.


      Eerste examenperiode
      • Oral performance (permanent evaluation)
      • Written work: letter of application + CV (for those that do an internship in English) , summaries of presentations
      • Written exam
      • If the student passes his written work he will not have to take it again in the second examination period.

      tijd voor examinering


      Tweede examenperiode
      • Since it is impossible to permanently evaluate the student's oral performance during the holidays, he has to take an oral exam.
      • Written exam.
      • If the student has not passed his written work he has to take it again.